Call Center Training Courses: The Very Best Training Programs for Your Call Center

Call Center Course Offerings

Telephone Sales Mastery: Inbound or Outbound

Telephone Sales Mastery is intended for Inbound and Outbound selling, Appointment-Setting and Service-to-Sales.

This powerful telephone selling program will take you to the greater numbers you’ve been hoping for.  TSM is always fully customized to your real-world telephone dialogues (whether you have 5 or 500 agents). 

The TSM program will give your agents a road map and specific skills for each step of their real-world sales dialogues.  And no more cheesy sales techniques that offend callers!  All skills are client-friendly, proven best practices.  After the training, your sales people will be much more effective in the following areas. 

  • Making stronger, immediate connections with clients. 
  • More effectively engaging clients.
  • Uncovering true, often hidden needs before making product offers.  
  • Tying product offers and recomendations back to learned needs. 
  • Closing the sale (or a next action) more confidently (still client-friendly).
  • Eliminating the tension around objections so customers stay focused and listen as agents deliver effective rebuttals.
  • All skills are brief and easy to employ.

Complete Overview of Inbound Telephone Sales Mastery »
Complete Overview of Outbound Telephone Sales Mastery »

Call Center Floor Management

Call Center Floor Management, according to our clients, is still the premiere training program for leaders and how they can drive center results (sales or service) through more effective coaching, and floor management.  CCFM has been helping companies create sustainable performance improvements since 1998. 

What Is Call Center Floor Management?

CCFM is a floor-coaching skills course that introduces key coaching skills for improving agent performance (with positive, uplifting and still accountable language from the leader).  In any area where a leader needs to improve an agent's performance (telephone skills, adherrence, etc.), CCFM provides quick-coaching dialogues that will immediately change behavior (or sustain positive successful behaviors). 

If you have lots of management processes, adherence requirements and communication with agents, score cards and clearly defined metrics but your agents are underperforming or are just inconsistent, CCFM will reinvent how your site performs.   Call Center Floor Management will help you create a “culture of coaching,” where everyone knows about coaching, expects it, and thrives from it (and actually thanks you for it later).   

Complete Overview of Call Center Floor Management »

Superior Service

Superior Service is a fully customized, “proactive service” course that will provide your reps with the skill and ability to make a long-lasting impression on your customers. 

There are endless strategies and programs for customer service.  Most service programs focus on the same call elements, so what is going to make your new course different, better, and the best choice for your center? 

We believe there are four elements to a successful service program/initiative. 

  • The skills will really work to create a better customer experience.   
  • The skills are simple and easily adoptable by agents.   
  • The skills seem natural and spontaneous, not scripted.   
  • The skills must be easy to coach.   

You are only going to invest in a service program once every few years.  Make this investment the one that changes your center’s expectations and culture forever.  Our clients will tell you that Superior Service is that program.

Complete Overview of Superior Service »

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Sign up below to receive a series of video training lessons and other training tools, covering best practices for Telephone Service, Sales and Floor Management/Coaching.


Our Successful Approach

All Training Is Not Created Equal!

With every CCTS course, you can count on the follwing characteristics.

  • Results-Driven Training Design
  • Great Delivery
  • Loads of Role-Play
  • Great Media
  • Great Support Tools