Presidents Greeting - Call Center Training Solutions

Welcome to Call Center Training Solutions

 Mo Bellio
 President; Call Center Training Solutions

 Greetings and thank you for checking in with us.

 Last year, we hit 25 years in business!  It has been a privilege to  work  with  wonderful companies, share in their challenges and, together,  create great success stories.  Twenty-five years ago, I had just ended a  successful career in sales and training at Sprint.  I had no idea this  company and this work would last this long and bring me so much  gratification.  We are incredibly thankful to everyone involved. 

Right now, you are likely shopping for training.  We would love to be your provider.  Why should you go with Call Center Training Solutions?  Based on our experience, we are confident that, together, we can find and build the missing piece or pieces that are keeping you from record sales and from top-box service scores.  It boils down to whether or not you have an effective formula for putting the right tools into each agent’s hands and the proper reinforcement and support.  Many companies get close, but the training misses the mark, or there is no true, effective reinforcement from leaders.  Your training then becomes the “flavor of the month,” which we all hate to talk about in our business.  We want long-term sustainability, but that takes an effective formula. 

The first step in creating this formula is to contact us. We will start with a dialogue to see whether we have a match for your needs.  We will talk to your Supervisors, Agents, whoever can share the current business practices and culture.  If you have recorded calls, we will listen to them to figure out your current strengths and skill gaps.  We will be applying our formula right from the start to see where the pieces are missing.  One recent client had a comprehensive management training program they were very proud of, but their leaders did not know how to coach or how to hold agents accountable to use their recommendations on calls.  Their missing piece was consistent reinforcement from accountable, front line leaders.  In their case, our Call Center Floor Management program provided that missing piece.  The agents started achieving results they had never before experienced.  This is a common story. 

We began as a sales training organization.  My team and I love selling.  We love to build skills that achieve great client connections and bold selling.  Many people feel that selling and client happiness are mutually exclusive.  We feel they are completely synergistic.   When we are done with a group of agents, they are bolder than ever, more willing to connect and impress, ask better questions, show interest and curiosity and then boldly suggest the best product for the client’s needs, not necessarily the cheapest.  When the agent hears a price objection, he/she is prepared to handle it, not by using apologetic words.  Rather, they take the opportunity to show they client why the price is worth the investment, even in light of the price objection. 

Our sales background has helped us in service, as well.  On an inbound service call, customers will not be impressed if all we do is complete their request.  We train a proactive style of service that reminds CSRs, if you do not do something unique on this call to impress them, you’re probably getting a low score.  This is the backdrop for what we refer to as “concierge service,” going above and beyond in simple ways.  Customers leave our calls with the right feeling about our company. That leads to a top box score. 

So that’s what we do. You can learn a lot more by glancing through the Courses pages. Please don’t hesitate to call me or e-mail directly with questions (954-557-6098/, or to set up a meeting.  We can see very quickly whether our programs are a match for your needs. If not, we can recommend other solutions. 

Wishing you great success this year. 

Mo :)

The Right Training

You can trust the training we provide.

Here's what you'll see in our training.

  • Client-friendly techniques.
  • Bold (not aggressive) approaches to selling and servicing.
  • Flexible skills that agents can use in many different ways.
  • Easy-to-use training materials.

Here’s what you won’t see.

  • Gimmicky sales slogans that every customer has heard (e.g. “This is just a courtesy call to inform you that…”).
  • Inflexible, scripted selling or servicing statements.
  • Outdated techniques that worked “back in the day.”
  • Hard to follow training materials.