Call Center Training Solutions

Call Center Training Solutions Blog

Posts Tagged ‘call center training’

How to Effectively Transition to a Service-To-Sales Environment

Monday, April 4th, 2011

Are you moving from a service-only environment to a service-to-sales environment? They are worlds apart. Watch the video to learn effective ways to get this done quickly and effectively. Many, if not most, of these initiatives fail or fall far short of the sales goals. You will have to assess a number of key factors to guarantee success. The video will share some of these critical areas so you can plan ahead and maximize this transition to its fullest.

How to Quickly Build Rapport with Customers on Every Type of Sales Call

Monday, April 4th, 2011

This video focuses on rapport-building on the most difficult of all sales calls, the outbound call to a non-customer, a prospective buyer who is not expecting your call. Learn how to employ these tips so you can connect with people that do not want to connect with you. Our emphasis is the Outbound call, but these techniques work on every call.

Overcoming the ¬I­m Not Interested Objection on the Front End of an Outbound Call

Monday, April 4th, 2011

Hearing  Not Interested too often at the beginning of your Outbound calls? This is the objection that can turn strong, eager agents into tired, nearly-hopeless dialers. Being able to overcome the  Not Interested objection and others like it will build your agents­ confidence on every call, which means they will hear this objection a lot less. This video offers tips and ideas for overcoming this dreaded, early-call objection.

How to Build an Effective Floor-Coaching Strategy and Schedule for Your Supervisors

Monday, April 4th, 2011

Are your supervisors trying to provide more proactive floor-coaching, but they cannot seem to get there due to other responsibilities? Check out our proven solution. This video describes how to implement and maintain an effective floor-coaching strategy and schedule. Using this system, your supervisors can get more quality coaching done in one hour per day than in three or four hours of other types of coaching. Once implemented, you can expect an immediate increase in quality coaching and, therefore, higher sales.